First day of school impressions
I was excited to begin the first day of school as I hadn’t been to a classroom in 6 years prior to the GK-12 fellowship. As I would be teaching 8th grade students, I was under the impression that their...
View ArticleReflection on a recent successful lesson
A recent lesson that we taught that was particularly engaging for the students was titled “The Human Model of the Atom”. This model involved slowly setting up an atom and involving the kids as...
View ArticleIntroducing sequential concepts
At the beginning of the school year, at the Glacier Teacher-Fellow orientation, Jen and I devised a curriculum based on the newly written science standards constructed by the three-district...
View ArticleEffective teaching modeled by an experienced teacher
The teacher I have been paired with, Jen, has been teaching for 3 years and has developed techniques to improve the effectiveness of her delivery. Middle school students are naturally incapable of...
View ArticleImprovisation workshop with Raquell Holmes
I recently attended a workshop intending to improve teaching delivery by introducing improvisational methods all while ensuring that there is mutual respect between student and teacher. Raquell opened...
View ArticleTypes of Learning in the Classroom
STEM education can be broken down into a set of four types of learning strategies that will each individually introduce students to different facets of a new concept. These four types are:...
View ArticleStandardized testing and climate change education
The climate change discussion is quite widespread and a focal point of action in the academic community, but has not yet adequately filtered down to the middle and high-school levels. This comes as a...
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